

出國旅遊時,到本地人常去的平價速食店用餐,可能是多半觀光者最便當而省錢的選擇, 到此類餐廳用餐,氛圍雖輕鬆,不像到高級餐廳進食時要講求太多餐桌禮節,但對於小我 的需求,最好在點餐時便向櫃檯說明清晰翻譯例如若需外食,或不喜好某些醬料皆須事前告 知,以避免徒增服務人員的麻煩,浪擲自己時候。
Will you be eating here or is this to go (take out)?                                在這裏用餐或帶走?
I'll eat here.                                                                                                                   在這裏用餐。
Take out翻譯社please.                                                                                                           帶走。
I'll have a small hamburger翻譯社milk,and one large order of French fries.      請給我一個小漢堡、牛奶和一份大份薯條。
Can I sit here?                                                                                                             我可以坐
Can I have a hot dog,please?                                                                    請給天成翻譯公司一份熱狗。這裡嗎?
With ketchup or mayonnaise?With ketchup,please.                             加蕃茄醬或美乃滋?請加蕃茄醬
How about onions or mustard?Yes,please.                                             要加洋蔥或芥末嗎?好的。
A sandwich,please.                                                                           請給天成翻譯公司一份三明治翻譯
Which would you like for bread?White or whole wheat?                你想要什麼口胃的麵包?白麵包或全麥麵包?
Whole wheat翻譯社please.                                                                                                  請給我全麥麵包。
I'd like roast beef with Swiss cheese,tomato,and lettuce.                    我要烤牛肉加瑞士乳酪、蕃茄與萵苣。
Can I take this seat?                                                                   我可以坐這個位子嗎?
Where can I get a knife and fork?                                                  我在那邊可以拿到刀與叉?
Bourbon with soda water,please.                                                                            請給我波本酒加蘇打水。
Could you show me something to certify your age?                                       能否出示能證明年數的文件?


餐廳英文3. 速食餐廳用餐篇




旅途中品味異國美食時的興奮與等候,就如同買了彩券期待開獎一般 ,你永遠不知道了局會是賓果或全軍覆沒,但是,不管結果若何,它 都將是路程中難忘的回想。如果菜式不合口胃,有時向辦事生索取調 味醬,本身調味一番,倒也挺進口的。用完餐付費時,萬萬別忘了確 認帳單數量,以及付些小費透露表現謝意。
Could you tell me how to eat this?                                 請告訴我要若何食用這道菜?
Is coffee included in this meal?                                       有咖啡做為附餐嗎?
Could you pass me the salt(pepper)?                          請把鹽(楜椒)傳給我。
May I smoke?                                                                       可以吸煙嗎?
I'd like a glass of water, please.                                         請給我一杯水翻譯
My order hasn't come yet.                                                 我點的食物還沒來。
May I have a bottle of mineral water?                         請給天成翻譯公司一瓶礦泉水翻譯
This is not what I ordered.                                                 這不是天成翻譯公司點的食品。
Uncarbonated mineral water翻譯社 please.                           請給天成翻譯公司不含碳酸的礦泉水翻譯
Check, please.                                                                        麻煩請結帳翻譯
May I have some more bread翻譯社 please.                            請再給我一些麵包翻譯
Can I pay here?                                                                   可以在這兒付帳嗎?
I'd like a dessert, please.                                                     請給我一些甜點。
We like to pay separately.                                                 我們想要分隔清算計帳。
What do you have for dessert?                                       甜點有那幾種?
I think there is a mistake in the bill.                             帳單有一些錯誤。
May I have some cheese?                                                可以給天成翻譯公司一些芝士嗎?
Could you check it again?                                              可不可以麻煩再確認一次帳單?
What kind of cheese is this?                                           這是什麼口胃的芝士?
Can I pay with this credit card?                                  可以用這張信譽卡付帳嗎?
May I have just a little of it?                                         可以給我一點這個嗎?
May I have the receipt, please.                                          請給我收條。
Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert?           可不行以不要甜點改要水果?



到異國品味美食可說是旅遊的樂趣之一,但是,若是說話欠亨,也許 就很難品味餐廳最受好評的菜色了翻譯因此,學會根基點餐說法,恰當 的扣問服務生,並表達本身愛好,擔保可讓本身吃得道地又知足翻譯
May I have a menu翻譯社please?                                                請給天成翻譯公司菜單。
May I order,please?                                                               我可以點餐了嗎?
Do you have a menu in chinese?                                       是不是有中文菜單?
What is the specialty of the house?                                   餐廳最特別的菜式是什麼?
Would you like something to drink before dinner?      在用晚餐前想喝些什麼嗎?
Do you have today`s special?                                             餐廳有本日特餐嗎?
What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif?        餐廳有些什麼餐前酒?
Can I have the same dish as that?                                    我可以點與那份不異的餐嗎?
May I see the wine list?                                                        可否讓天成翻譯公司看看酒單?
I`d like appetizers and meat(fish) dish.                            天成翻譯公司想要一份開胃菜與排餐(魚餐)。
May I order a glass of wine?                                               天成翻譯公司可以點杯酒嗎?
I`m on a diet.                                                                            我正在節食中翻譯
What kind of wine do you have?                                      餐廳有那幾類酒?
I have to avoid food containing fat(salt/suger).            我必須避免含油脂(鹽份/糖份)的食物。
I`d like to have some local wine.                                        我想點本地出產的酒。
Do you have vegetarian dishs?                                        餐廳是不是有供應素食餐?
I`d like to have Frence red wine.                                       我想要喝法國紅酒。
How do you like your steak?                                             翻譯公司的牛排要如何烹饪?
Could you recommend some good wine?                      是不是可建議一些不錯的酒?
Well done (medium/rare),please.                                    全熟(五分熟/全生)。


2010/09/27 19:11




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