Let your love shine strong讓你的愛果斷地照耀著
To give her hand upon her wedding day準備在大喜之日緊握情郎的手默示贊成婚事
For we are the stars in the sky因為我們都是天上星辰
原唱: Chris De Burgh
I heard the words like singing in the trees... 那些字句在樹林間唱了起來…
Until the day you fly away直到翻譯公司飛逝的那一天為止
第一影片(Chris De Burgh演唱)提供者:Fr. Simon Rundell
These words to live forever in your heart... 讓這些話語永久銘記在翻譯公司心中...
Let your love shine strong讓你的愛果斷地照耀著
Dressed in simple white and wearing flowers in her hair穿戴一身素白 髮上繫著鮮花
In a country churchyard there's a preacher with his people在一所鄉下的教堂前面 有位牧師和他的信眾
To honor and love in the eyes of God above在上帝的見證下 光榮他並愛他
Many years have fallen on that golden country morning在那個金色的鄉下清晨 已過了很多年
作詞: Chris De Burgh
Spring is here and turtledoves are singing from the steeple春季到了 斑鳩們在教堂尖頂上讴歌
gathered all around會萃在四周=聚在一起;steeple=教堂尖頂;to give her hand upon =她緊握…的手默示同…事;pick up=拿起;take=接納;shine on=照耀著;overgrown=雜草蔓生;raven=烏鴉;wheel round=回旋;headstone=墓碑、墓石;fall to my knees=我跪下來;read the lines=指讀著碑文而言
And suddenly it seemed to me突然間 我如同聽見
For we are the stars in the sky因為天成翻譯社們都是天上星辰
Bees are in flowers翻譯社 growing in the graveyard蜜蜂在發展於墓園的花叢裏採花蜜
As I made my way towards the last remaining headstone在天成翻譯社走向前時 最後一塊殘余的墓碑
For we are the stars in the sky因為我們都是天上星辰
Chris De Burgh的英文歌─In a country churchyard─在一所鄉間的教堂+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習
Let your love shine strong讓你的愛堅定地晖映著
Music as she walks slowly to the altar音樂在她緩緩走向聖壇時揚起
Now let the people sing with me而今請在座者跟天成翻譯社一起唱
I fell to my knees, read the lines beneath the leaves我跪下來 讀著在落葉覆蓋下的碑文
In a country churchyard
第二影片提供者(僅卡拉OK伴唱):Ma Thi Man
Until the day you fly...直到你飛…的那一天為止
A lovely girl is coming down有一個可愛的少女正走下來
Let your love shine on讓你的愛大放異彩
And over the hill翻譯社 where the river meets the mills山坡上河水與磨坊的交壤處
The graveyard's overgrown, the church lies in ruins墓園裏雜草蔓生 教堂已傾倒成廢墟
作曲: Chris De Burgh
"Will you take this man to be your wedded husband,翻譯公司願采用這個男人做為翻譯公司的丈夫嗎
Let your love shine on讓你的愛大放異彩
Until the day you fly away直到你飛逝的那一天為止
And picking up his Bible then the preacher turns towards her拿起聖經 牧師於是轉身面向著她
Ivy on the walls and ravens wheeling round above me牆上爬滿了長春藤 烏鴉在我頭上盤旋
Gathered all around to join a man and woman聚在一路準備參加一對男女的婚禮
Let your love shine on讓你的愛大放異彩
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